
Monday, June 7, 2010

sixth post: more permeable than water

So, you know than John Donne over-used line "No man is an island?"
Cunty bullshit.
Every man is an island. Actually, the idea of island is one of the better suited analogies for a human being.

We're not islands if we look at things from a blind point of view. A blindspot.
If we look at things from the inside out, with complete sight (complete because born of reality) it's the opposite.

We're islands. We are connected, underneath, by the same land. We are the exact same land, but in a specific incarnation. A geological incarnation.
And the sea, that looks like it might divide us, it actually only traces our borders, while keeping us in touch. The sea is always moving, it has currents and waves, it carries messages in bottles, ships, people, lots and lots of fish. Even giant turtles.
It traces us while connecting us, a most permeable border (it transmits fluids, so it transmits itself, like Life), like limen, like thresold before it became threshold.

Our identity is an island.

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