
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

fourth posting: threshold

This comes from friends.

Good old Ed Maxe commented on my very first blog, and I replied. As that's kind of the point.
And I thought, well, this could be my next blog. A second-hand blog. But that is also kind of the point. The second-handedness of things, but relative, which makes it the only hand, a directionless ranking so no ranking at all, just a multi-directional reality.

We were talking about You, Me, Us, all the pronouns that make an I.
Also, parenthesis. That saying "there's no I in team". Okay. There is an I in team. English is not a phonetic language, 'cause for one character (i.e., "E") there can be more than one sound (i.e. pronunciation. "Let", "Eagle", "Like").
But in phonetics, which is an awesome way of writing a language with its sounds rather than its spelling (so that if you know the phonetic alphabet you can read any language in the world, once it's transcribed in phonetics, and not only correctly, but theoretically with the right accent too), one character has only one sound.
In the word "team" the central vowel (which in spelling is "ea") is pronounced "ee". Now, that "ee" sound, in phonetics is actually represented by "I".
Why? Because throughout the world most languages (Western languages, anyway) pronounce "I" "ee". Like, pretty much all of them apart from English.
Direct derivation from Latin, through Ancient Greek, through possibly Indoeuropean.
So, there is an I in team.

"it's fun how pronouns move in the same 8-shaped figure when looking for definition.
it's also fun how when people usually define, they harden the borders of a concept and make it a finite category, while ideally define would mean de-fine, remove the borders and see them more as a continuous soglia. what's the english word for soglia again? threshold, right. which is also fun, because it originally indicated "point of entry" (and spelled with -old) but has been later turned to "hold" and took to mean "holding something out", proving that we really have issues with not categorizing things. so we do, often turning them around and making them mean the opposite of what they are. which is when the word fun starts really losing its flair.
Oh, but it's fun that 8 is the number of the Scorpio." (Ed Maxe is a scorpio too)
Yeah. I just quoted myself.

This opens room for the next blog. I want to write about that border/connection.
And in doing so I'll get help from another friend, the illustrious Doctor Davide Marucci and his thesis which is just about that.

So, you know. That will be fun.

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