People often ask me "Tom, what do you mean we're ruled by demons? Oh, and what the fuck of various kinds mean?", but mostly they don't. But if they did I would have a really good answer.
Certain branches of magic (anything medieval with engravings of people with funny beards, certain Kabbalah, Crowley) believe that there are real entities and forces in a world within our own. It's not another reality, really, it's just MORE so. These entities exist in our dimension as parts of ourselves, as if we were interdimensional clusters of iceberg tips. Or these entities can be called into our dimension, and take residence in us, like mexicans in texas, only really powerful mexicans that make texas their bitch.
Let's call these Demons.
Certain branches of psychology believe that an individual is composed of parts that coexist and relate, just like a society is composed of individuals (and in fact the way the parts within an individual relate is directly connected with the views and tendencies of that individual in society).
Freud started it off with it Id, Ego, Super-Ego, opening a new door but also getting trapped in centuries of systematization and categorization that divided everything in 3 (Pitagora, Neoplatonism, Christianism, Mystic Christianism, Hegel and so forth).
Gestalt therapy opened things up more, letting go of the need for an artificial system and just sort of acknowledging the parts that come up in an individual.
These parts are a mix of what we'd call "character" and creative adjustments to the outer world, and have their roots deep within us. They struggle for supremacy and attention -when they are not acknowledged and accepted- again like mexicans making texas their twangy bitch.
Let's call these demons.
Certain branches of politics and sociology (Simmel, Reich, Marcuse, the whole counter-culture movement) believe that society, with its downward pinnacle in Capitalistic society (China and Russia are capitalistic societies in their core and administration just like America and Europe are) is basically a capsized version of Life, that misunderstands it, limits it and chokes it. Possibly to Death.
While economy should serve life, they have life serving economy, turning reality into market. People are divorced from their parts(that claim attention becoming demons), therefore themselves, therefore one another. Life is put into categories, hardened boxes that suck it dry. And all this in encouraged by our Oligarchy, who we elect and/or trust to improve our lives: they make Life and Us their well-organized catalogue, serving their own demons (and/or Demons), therefore encouraging more or less directly to just serve our own (thus again serving them and theirs, in circles), solidifying the barriers we create and are taught to create through misguiding information and propaganda, lack of social support (like good education, health care and basic first needs guaranteed for everyone- so everyone could finally get the same starting point and it's up to him or her to make the best of it), near-total control of resources and goods (so that we are more or less unconsciously reminded at all times that we are effectively being held hostage) and in general by rewarding and encouraging obedience, blind faith, categorization, juxtaposition based on artificial concepts that don't embrace or reflect reality (self/other, this/that, right/wrong).
Making us their bitches.
These oligarchs we'll call DEMOns. Because they're just people, in the most belittling way possible. In fact, they are responsible (and we are their full-on accomplices) for making the word "People" a belittling term.
Certain branches of People, lastly, believe that these Oligarchs are in fact actual "Demons". Or at any rate their direct accomplices. Or heirs. Servants. Kissing cousins. Something to that extent.
Reptilian offsprings, Alien regents, Satanic disciples, demonologists.
They, guess what, make us their bitches. Let's call these guys, let's see... DEMONS?
I don't know. I don't want to give them the full power of capitalization. I mean, they kind of already have it. Mh... I'm open to suggestions on this one.
On everything, really. Specifically, on this one.
This is what I mean by "we're ruled by demons".
And if you ask me which of these options I believe to be true, well, I don't see why they can't all be happening at the same time.
It actually makes sense.
But it also shows how the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY element is key.
The way we live in ourselves is influenced by the outside, but it also influences the outside, because the outside is heavily made by us.
Our relationship with our parts, with our demons and Demons, and therefore with our DEMOns (and/or DEMONS)is the first step we can take, because it's fully within our reach RIGHT NOW. And fuck it's hard. But only harder the more we harden.
The acknowledging and accepting of what goes on within us will completely change the way we view things, to a surprising and freeing, relieving extent.
No more projection, fear, detachment, no more inhumanity. Just full being- and actually not so much "no more" of those things, as much as a deeper understanding and healthier relationship with them. But no more backlash of their destructiveness.
Also, two other quick points.
1- As a general reminder, if something IS, it was at some point affirmed. if it was affirmed, it can always be denied.
2- Once personal emancipation (intellectual, emotional, psychological) happens, Revolution is possible.
How can people change things? Because people ARE things.
Their Monopoly works only is so much that we support it.
They like to remind us of the total control they have. Guess what, really WE are holding them hostage.
They need Us to survive. They need a market. They need buyers.
But we ARE our own support, our own subject and king.
We have a choice NOT to buy from their Monopoly. They don't have a choice not to sell to us.
-personal emancipation
-free information
-independent support, both personal(self analysis) and practical (local non-corporate farming, independent energies are widely available, effective and affordable)
= (mostly) non violent revolution.
Revolution brings a state of being in touch with ourselves and others, not ruling but being ourselves, free to relate and exist, fulfill ourselves. Not in some bucolic community. But here. In New York City. In the World. With movies, music, cars, diners, japanese restaurants. Just INHABITING the world instead of holding on to it. Living instead of surviving. With States and countries brought back to their actual use: to protect and provide for their citizens, giving everyone safety and the BASIS for a fulfilling life: instruction, health care, basic services and commodities, shelter and food for survival if needed.
I mean, it sounds worthwhile to me.
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